Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the tasks that need to be completed? Do you struggle to stay motivated and focused on your goals due to constantly changing circumstances? If so, the task of creating and following routines may sound daunting; however, developing rituals for how we work can be a powerful tool for improving our mental health. Incorporating measures such as scheduling appropriate breaks throughout the day or using certain tools when preparing projects can help reduce stress levels while increasing productivity. In this blog post we will explore further the benefits of routine on mental health and discuss why both organisations, individuals, and employers should consider implementing practices associated with it in order to benefit from its many rewards.
Understand why routines are beneficial
Routines are not just about structure and discipline; they can have a positive effect on your mental health too. Having a set routine every day can help create a sense of stability and predictability, especially in times of uncertainty. It can help reduce stress and anxiety by eliminating the need to constantly make decisions about what to do next. Knowing what to expect can also provide a sense of control and can help you feel more organised and productive. Whether it's waking up at the same time every day, going for a run before work, or taking a long bath before bed, creating a daily routine can yield numerous benefits for your overall well being.
Identify the types of routines that can help with mental health
Having a routine can be a powerful tool in maintaining good mental health. Engaging in activities such as exercise, meditation, and journaling on a regular basis can provide a sense of structure and stability that can reduce stress and anxiety. Additionally, maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and eating regular, nutritious meals can have a positive impact on both physical and mental well-being. By committing to a routine, individuals can create a sense of purpose and control over their daily lives, which can lead to improved mood and overall mental health.
Establishing a routine can bring joy and a sense of fulfilment, and once you experience the health benefits, you may question why you didn't start one earlier. A routine offers various advantages, including:
Effective stress management: Stress increases the risk of heart disease and negatively affects overall well-being. By implementing a well-designed routine, you can reduce stress levels, leading to improved mental health, increased relaxation time, and decreased anxiety.
Enhanced sleep quality: Your sleep schedule and bedtime habits impact your mental alertness, emotional well-being, and energy levels. Following consistent waking and sleeping times through a routine can contribute to better-quality rest.
Healthier eating habits: Without dedicated time for grocery shopping, it becomes easier to rely on unhealthy options like fast food or snacks due to their convenience. By allocating time for planning grocery trips, you can consider incorporating nutritious foods and meals into your daily life.
Regular physical activity: Integrating exercise into your routine becomes more manageable when you allocate specific time for it. A daily routine not only encourages physical activity but also allows you to establish an exercise schedule or program, effectively managing your time commitments.
Create a daily routine for yourself
Having a daily routine can be beneficial for not only productivity, but also mental health. When every day feels like a new adventure with no structure, it can lead to feelings of anxiety and overwhelm. By creating a routine, you can establish a sense of normalcy and consistency in your life. It can be as simple as waking up at the same time every day or planning out your meals in advance. Having a routine can also free up mental energy that would otherwise be spent on decision-making, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your life. So, take some time to think about what works for you and create a daily routine that prioritises your mental health.
Practice consistency with your routine
Consistency is the key to success in anything we do, especially when it comes to our routines. Whether it's our morning routine or night-time routine, having a set plan to follow can make all the difference in maintaining productivity and reaching your goals. However, it's important to practise consistency in your routine. It's not enough to simply have a routine but to actually stick to it. Once you make your routine a habit, it becomes second nature and you'll find yourself accomplishing more than ever before. So, let's commit to practising consistency with our routines and see how it positively impacts our daily lives.
Make sure to schedule in breaks and relaxation time
Establishing a routine can be incredibly beneficial for staying productive and on-task, but it's important to remember that breaks and moments of relaxation are just as important. When you're focused on achieving your goals, it can be easy to forget to take care of yourself and your mental wellbeing. That's why it's crucial to schedule in regular breaks throughout your day, whether that means taking a walk, meditating, or just stepping away from your screens for a few minutes. By prioritising rest and relaxation, you'll be able to approach your work with renewed energy and focus, ultimately achieving even more in the long run.
Reach out for support if needed
Sometimes life can be overwhelming, and it's okay to feel like you need help. Whether it's a personal issue or work-related stress, we all reach a point where we need some extra support. It's important to remember that reaching out for support is a sign of strength, not weakness.
There are plenty of resources available to help you, whether it's a professional counsellor or a trusted friend or family member. It's also important to take care of your mental health and well-being, so don't hesitate to ask for that support when you need it. Remember, it's okay to not have everything figured out, and it's okay to ask for a helping hand.
To conclude, having a routine and understanding how it can influence mental health can be hugely beneficial. There are many different types of routines to consider implementing and creating a daily routine for yourself is essential. Taking the time to practise consistency with your routine, scheduling breaks for yourself and reaching out for help when needed all play an important role in staying mentally healthy. Remember that it’s ok to modify or tweak your routine as needed along the way as well.
If you feel like you’re struggling to manage emotions and need additional support, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Consider enrolling in our Conflict Resolution Training (CTR) as it provides a set of skills that allow people to better understand themselves and those around them, which helps to build effective relationships and reduce stress in the long run.